When you are familiar with the way SuperOffice CRM links a user to all data objects, then you probably also know that this user -and the user group he or she belongs to- is the base for determining the access rights to the details of the data object. The data rights that are set via Roles do the magic here.
When importing data into SuperOffice CRM it is not always possible to set the correct user. Sometimes just because the information is not available in the source. And sometimes because you don’t have the same details of the user in the source as SuperOffice CRM expects.
Like Tinder, DataBridge provides several ways to look for a match. But without the need to swipe right or left.
DataBridge will help you find the match in the users -also knows as associates- based on the full name (like ‘Diane King Dexter’, the user ID (like ‘DKD’) or the user name (usually an email address). If you have one of those, let DataBridge do the work for you. Just make sure that the source value is mapped to the owner field of the data object. Some examples are the company’s Our Contact field, the sale’s Owner field and the project’s Responsible field.
But what if you do want to set the right owner on the SuperOffice CRM data object while you have no details on the user in the source? OK. Let’s see. Is there really nothing to work with?Can we use a value that is available in the source to determine who the source data belongs to?
Let‘s use this example: we want to import Sales in SuperOffice CRM and set the Owner field to the sales rep that is responsible for the customer. Every sales rep has his own region to sell and fight for his or her target. The regions are determined by zip code: the first two characters from each zip code tell us to which region it belongs. Do you feel the solution is coming up?
With two transformations that we link together, we can determine the owner for every sale now. The Find Pattern will help us to only get the first two characters from the zip code and the Map List transformation does a perfect job in matching the partial zip code and the user ID.
By the way, the Map List feature allows for exceptions too. Don’t worry that you are stuck in a fixed setup, there is room for other scenarios as well.
Let us know if you have other examples of associating associates that might be worth mentioning here. We’re sure there are some unexpected examples out there 😉